With the weather turning colder there was one other interesting and timely item that has just come to my attention. This one is well suited to trucking and industrial operations that plug in their truck block heaters overnight. TheIntelligent Parking Lot Controller is made in Canada for our cold winters. The (IPLC) is a smart power receptacle that can replace any existing parking stall power outlet. It incorporates a microprocessor, temperature sensors, and red and green LED lights to tell users the status of the system. It measures temperature and wind chill, and is factory programmed to automatically regulate the optimum power flow to ensure strongstarts at any temperature. According to the manufacturer this intelligent operation reduces electrical consumption and costs by up to 65 percent. This unit is available for immediate delivery and can be installed before the cold weather arrives.
I will continue to keep my eyes open for products and ideas that can save our customers money and are good choices for the environment.
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to call. As always we are available to
service all your electrical needs 24 hours a day seven days a week with one