1965 Mercedes-Benz electric vehicle for sale


When this story popped up on our radar, we just had to share it. An eBay user was auctioning off this 1965 Mercedes-Benz convertible that had been turned into an electric vehicle. Wired did a brief story about the car and it certainly caught our attention. The idea of older vehicles transforming into EVs really opens up possibilities for fans of EVs.

Please Buy This 1965 Mercedes-Benz EV and Give Us a Ride

1965 Mercedes-Benz electric vehicle for sale3 By: Alexander George (Wired)


“Ever wanted to look like the star in an Italian movie, wending along the coastal roads, wearing dark sunglasses with a girl in the passenger seat with a scarf trailing in the wind? Now you can have the look and the car, all without burning a drop of gasoline.

Up for sale is a 1965 Mercedes-Benz SL convertible outfitted with a full electric drivetrain. The eBay auction ends in a day, or if you’re feeling particularly flush, you can plunk down $35,000 for the Buy It Now price.

The conversion took a mechanic specializing in Mercedes products over 600 hours of work, jamming batteries and electronics where the original 2.3-liter inline-six engine previously resided. The license plate now reads, ‘ZER0 C02’. Cute…”

