Clients and Friends,

It seems that as each month goes by we are involved in installing and connecting more automatic doors. In many cases these installations are in place to provide access for persons with disabilities.

The proliferation of these installations may be due in part to the Ontario Accessibility Standards for Customer Service (Ontario regulation 429/07) that came in to force in January 1, 2008. By January 1, 2012 all private businesses, non-profit organizations, and any other service providers with at least one employee must comply with the regulation.

While the regulation does not specifically mandate the installation of automatic doors it does speak of removal of barriers to those persons with disabilities.

In keeping with our motto “Service is what sets us apart”, we have partnered with a trusted supplier in the greater Toronto area to provide a complete one stop, turn key service for the supply, installation and connection of all types of automatic doors.

The service includes a no cost site visit to determine which door or operator is best suited to each application, what type of control(s) and interlock might be required and how best to provide power for the new door /operator. When all this information is collected we are able to provide a very competitive quotation for the complete project. Whether that is one single door or a series of doors throughout the property.

Once the equipment has been procured we are able to coordinate the complete installation of both door and power, eliminating the need for our customers to make multiple calls to arrange the scheduling. Typically we have the door / operator installed and calibrated one day and follow in the next to complete the electrical connection.

While it is rare to problems with these doors / operators the complete installation is warranted for a minimum period of one year.

We continue to strive to provide services to meet our customers evolving needs. Past newsletters have focused on a variety of services , including energy savings, ramp heating and repairs, installation and supply of hand dryers, thermographic inspections and emergency lighting repairs and installations to name a few. These newsletters can be reviewed on our web site at

As I have mentioned before, I welcome you to use us as a resource. Sometimes the request is simple but I am always up for a challenge, I welcome you to give us a try.

